The first immersive audio performance with the finale on the Grand Sports Arena in LUZHNIKI STADIUM
Lilia Dasaeva, creator of the audio performance “Dream!”
Immersive audio performance where: you will perform as
you personal
on the Luzhniki embankment, and the
on the Grand Sports Arena will astound even those who have forgotten how to dream!
will unfold
It is perfect for those who believe in miracles
It is perfect for those who are hard to please
It is perfect for real connoisseurs
It is perfect for those who have long stopped dreaming
You will end up in a sacred space, brimming with energy of victory and achievement.
Outstanding athletes have entered the Luzhniki Arena to win, attaining their lifetime ambitions.
Now, the power of this stadium is at your disposal,
A buffet or reception can be organised on the Arena
50 minutes
The performance lasts
can attend
1 to 50 people
What followed was a burst of emotions. We were blindfolded and guided into the vast stadium, which was only for us and our dreams
Galina Ratnikova
the owner of “The Happy is inside” company
This performance creates some new emotions, goals, and dreams for the whole team. You leave it charged with a kind of goodwill and delight
Igor Rebelsky
the founder and owner of VIG Trans customs and logistics group of companies, a board member of the All-Russian public organization ‘Business Russia’
We received a magic gift, getting goosebumps and tears from the overflowing emotions. It was simply incredible
Inna Litvinova
the creator of Beautybite chocolate
Imagine that the Luzhniki stadium is only for you. You favourite music is playing, and you are in the core of this energy. On top of that, there’s karaoke in the end, displayed on the biggest screens in the world.
Amar Atma Kaur, , Member of the Russian International Federation of Kundalini Yoga Teachers